
without pain

¡HIC makes it possible!

Mako robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery combines the expertise of surgeons with science and precision for more effective and less invasive knee and hip procedures.


Customized planning

The technology uses three-dimensional images of the patient so that the surgeon can design a surgical plan tailored to the patient's anatomy.

Procedure with robotic guidance

With sensors and cameras, Mako provides the surgeon with real-time data, ensuring accuracy in implant placement.

Less invasive surgery

Smaller incisions, less impact on soft tissues, reduced postoperative pain and faster recovery.

Custom Implants

Mako adapts the insertion of implants according to the patient's anatomy, minimizing its perception in the joint.
Mako Procedures
have been performed worldwide
Years of surgical experience
with the help of the robotic arm globally
Patient registry
and 105M of data in the Mako Insightful Data Analytics.

Medical equipment certified in robotic surgery
The surgical team of the HIC Orthopedic Institute is trained and certified in the use of the robotic arm-assisted surgical system Mako.
fas fa-certificate
Cutting-edge technology and more
At the HIC you also have access to:

Preoperative evaluation and planning

Preferential hospitalization

Rehabilitation and therapy Postoperative follow up

Nutritional counseling and psychological support

HIC ushers in a robotic era in orthopedic surgery
Hospital Internacional de Colombia (HIC) announces the incorporation of state-of-the-art robotic technology in orthopedic surgery.
Living without pain: this was the first surgery with a robotic arm in Santander
Outdoor walks were always Claire Gualdrón's hobby. However, as time went by, she experienced painful discomfort ...
From Barbados to Colombia: June and the quest for relief with robotic-arm-assisted surgery
For June Diana Holder, every step was painful. Walking or moving put a great strain on her right knee, and her quality of life was beginning to deteriorate.
For more information or to learn more, please write to us at the following e-mail address
Hospital internacional de Colombia HIC Jpint Commission
Hospital internacional de Colombia